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July 24, 2006



The Cost of Record Heat Hits More

Than Just Your Wallet

South Jordan, Utah -- As heat waves continue to grip the nation, people are advised to drink extra water and avoid dehydration. This advice comes with a hefty healthcare price, especially if you have autoimmune diseases like MS, Fibromyalgia or diabetes. Tap water contains chemical additives that are harmful to the autoimmune population. With one out of twenty women in the U.S. having an autoimmune disease, heat waves create a healthcare epidemic.


The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has advised anyone with a compromised immune system to consult their physician before drinking tap water. Healthy Divas, an organization dedicated to educating people about autoimmune diseases, has taken this warning one step further by advising individuals with autoimmune disease to avoid tap water altogether.


According to Heidi Whitaker, co-founder of Healthy Divas, “Our clients complain of increasing autoimmune symptoms, as temperatures rise. These include heart palpitations, numbness, relentless fatigue, and pain. The first thing we ask is if they have increased their consumption of fluoridated tap water, as these symptoms are often indicative of fluoride toxicity.”


Healthy Divas is not alone in their findings.  Dr. George L. Waldbott, using double-blind tests, was able to determine that fluoridated water causes muscular weakness, chronic fatigue, headaches, skin rashes, joint pain, and tingling in the extremities.


According to the Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products handbook, “fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic.”  The Physicians Desk Reference reads, "In hypersensitive individuals, fluorides occasionally cause skin eruptions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, or urticaria. Gastric distress, headache, and weakness have also been reported."


With vast evidence showing that fluoride is connected to numerous health issues, why is it still added to our drinking water? “Fluoridation of municipal tap water is voluntary at the state or community level,” states Kathy Browning, co-founder of Healthy Divas. “We can’t comprehend why they still add fluoride. Since the 1950’s, research has proven time and again that it is unsafe. We do know that when our clients eliminate fluoride, many of their symptoms are alleviated.”


Whitaker adds, “When speaking at conferences, attendees are shocked to learn the damage fluoride causes, particularly to those with lupus and diabetes. One of the first things we educate our clients about is the dangerous effects of fluoride.”


Besides tap water, fluoride can be found in toothpaste, certain vitamins, black and green tea, and most insecticides. Healthy Divas is now embarking on a national campaign to educate consumers about the issue of fluoridated water and provide solutions to help them eliminate this unnecessary toxin from their lives.


Facing a potential healthcare crisis due to record heat waves, Healthy Divas has elected to be proactive and provide a complimentary copy of their new book, “Conquering Autoimmunity”, available at their website.  Browning states, “We believe it is our responsibility to educate our visitors and help them regain control of their lives. We are eager to share our knowledge and help individuals learn how to reduce the effects of extreme heat.”


For more information on how to better cope with autoimmune related issues and download a free copy of “Conquering Autoimmunity”, visit


Contact Person: Heidi Whitaker or Kathy Browning
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