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"I was really active in high school, but after marrying and having children, I started suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I couldn't do normal, everyday activities. It became overwhelming to me! After implementing the dietary and nutritional changes that Heidi teaches, my life TOTALLY changed! I had more energy. I have a positive attitude. I was also able to get off my medication. YEAH!

-Veronica Gill, Draper, Utah, USA

Thank you very much for your teleclass...I learned some invaluable information from the doctor and from your study of health problems. The information given helped me discover how to resolve some issues, which I have had for years.

Thank you very much!

Dana Slabaugh
Logan, Utah, USA

You are such a ball of positive energy...You are so good at these teleseminars...Wow!...Everyone just got on board and it was great.

Tamara Trujillo, MS, Holistic Naturology
Colorado, USA

"I consulted with Kathy while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She educated me about healing foods and provided recipes that offered nutritional support through the various stages of my treatment. Kathy is very knowledgeable about nutrition and I believe her recommendations helped me be able to recover faster.

-Karen Michaels, Zionsville, IN, USA

"I have a form of arthritis in my hands that causes severe pain and crippling. I could hardly use my hands at all. I couldn't even begin to open a jar or do many tasks that most people easily do. Soon after making the nutritional changes that Heidi talks about in her seminars, I felt like a new person!!! The swelling in my hands was greatly reduced and the pain virtually vanished. I would recommend everyone with these kinds of challenges attend Heidi's seminars."

- Carol Drummond, South Jordan, Utah, USA

"After years of torturing myself with junk food, I was overweight, depressed and sick. I had no knowledge of how to cook or prepare nutritious meals. The books I read only confused me and the recipes didn't appeal to me at all. After working with Kathy for three months, I have lost 20 pounds, enrolled in a healthy cooking class, and have more energy than I have in years. Kathy's recipes are easy to prepare & taste great! I highly recommend her services to anyone who wants to take control of their health."

-Brenda McGuire, Indianapolis, IN, USA

"I found your way of explaining things fascinating and easy to understand for a lay person like myself. May you be blessed for your efforts.

- DiAnna McDowell, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

That teleclass was absolutely fantastic ! It was great information that a lot of people don't know.

Alisha Hallam
Orem, Utah, USA

Legal Disclaimer: Information on this Web site is provided for information purposes only.  Any medical information obtained from this Web site should be reviewed with an appropriate health-care provider to determine its applicability to your particular condition.  Great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of the information provided on this Web site.  However, Healthy Divas, and their employees are not responsible for errors or any consequences arising from your use of this information. © 2005-Present


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Heidi Whitaker

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Heidi Whitaker approaches autoimmunity not from the clinical perspective of a doctor or scientist, but from the view of a wife and mother who has "been there" and understands how difficult life with an autoimmune disease can be.
Heidi possesses experience in public speaking, radio appearances, coaching, mentoring, consulting, and workshop presentations.

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Essential Oil Training Kit

Learn all the basics in this training DVD, CD, and Workbook. These oils are also known as Liquid Copals which are the living healing essences of plants. Their smells affect you and can alter your mood. This is what is known as Aromatherapy.
Fragrances from plants have the ability to assist in such ways as reducing stress, overcoming acute fear, inspiring the imagination, releasing past hurts, and bringing a feeling of love and forgiveness.

Legal Disclaimer: Information on this Web site is provided for information purposes only.  Any medical information obtained from this Web site should be reviewed with an appropriate health-care provider to determine its applicability to your particular condition.  Great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of the information provided on this Web site.  However, Healthy Divas, and their employees are not responsible for errors or any consequences arising from your use of this information. © 2005-Present

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