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12 Weeks to a New You

TeleCourse Program

"Be on the fast track to taking control of your own health!"

There was a time in the not too distant past that I never knew when I got up in the morning how much pain I would be in, if I would be able to walk, or even breathe without difficulty. I felt so utterly out of control and believed that I would have to live out the rest of my life that way. Living with autoimmunity tends to have that effect on people -You always feel that someone else is running the show.

Today, I have the amazing good fortune of knowing every single day that I will be able to live without pain, and walk, and breathe just fine. I want this same blessing for you!

Earl Nightingale said, "Strange and marvelous things will happen with constant regularity as we alter our lives and begin to live in harmony with the laws of the universe." Your immune system operates by certain laws. Understanding and living by these laws will allow you to take control of your own health. My 12 Weeks to a New You telecourse program walks you step by step through changing your body and mind to support healthy immune function. You will learn to feed your body and your mind what it needs to create the life that you deserve.

With my support, you will learn what you can do right NOW to change your life. I will take you step by step on the road to your brighter future. In just 12 weeks, this telecourse will help you develop the habits that will allow you to take control of your own health.

Don’t be confused. This is not a "support group" where we all sit around and talk about our problems. These 12 weeks will be about SOLUTIONS.

  • If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired
  • If you are tired of pills and potions that don’t work
  • If you are ready to make the changes necessary to regain your life

Then the solution is 12 Weeks to a New You.

Click here to learn more...



Herbal and Natural Supplements
If you have already read my book, than you know I give much of the credit of my recovery to herbs and supplementation.
Many of the high quality herbal and natural supplements that I am now taking are available at a significantly lower price than what I once paid for them.

Heidi Whitaker

Speaking Engagements
Heidi Whitaker approaches autoimmunity not from the clinical perspective of a doctor or scientist, but from the view of a wife and mother who has "been there" and understands how difficult life with an autoimmune disease can be.
Heidi possesses experience in public speaking, radio appearances, coaching, mentoring, consulting, and workshop presentations.


Essential Oil Training Kit

Learn all the basics in this training DVD, CD, and Workbook. These oils are also known as Liquid Copals which are the living healing essences of plants. Their smells affect you and can alter your mood. This is what is known as Aromatherapy.
Fragrances from plants have the ability to assist in such ways as reducing stress, overcoming acute fear, inspiring the imagination, releasing past hurts, and bringing a feeling of love and forgiveness.

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Autoimmune Self-Help

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What is Autoimmunity?
by Heidi Whitaker

The most common description of autoimmune disease is that it is a condition that occurs when the “body attacks itself”. This definition doesn’t even begin to encompass what autoimmunity really is. This disease is much more than inflammation caused by body “attacking itself”.

The fact is that an autoimmune condition doesn’t just “happen” to you. It is both passively and actively created by your lifestyle and the greedy practices of food manufacturers, who lace your meals with toxins. You eat, drink, and expose your way to immune dysfunction. With little exception, everything you put into your mouth, your surroundings, and even the air you breathe is either making you healthier or sicker.

How much control can you actually
have over immune dysfunction?
Let’s consider “the sunburn analogy”

When was the last time that you had a sunburn? At that time, did you consider your sunburn a terrible disease over which you had no control? Of course not!  Most likely you accepted the sunburn as a natural consequence to prolonged sun exposure.

Although painful, the burn was not a mysterious malady of unknown origin, but your body doing exactly what it was designed to do under those particular circumstances.

I am sure you realize that the answer to not walking through life with red, irritated, or blistered skin is protecting yourself from the sun’s damaging rays.  Keep your skin in a safe environment and you will avoid the pain that a sunburn brings.

Autoimmunity is a lot like a sunburn.  It is also a natural consequence brought about by certain conditions in the environment. Only in this case, I am referring to the internal environment of the body.

The often painful result is the immune system turning against the body’s own tissue. Controlling those circumstances is more complicated than simply avoiding prolonged sun exposure, but they can be controlled. The goal is to change the internal environment and by doing so, avoid the pain caused by the immune system turning against the body.

A Natural Occurance

What you may or may not realize is that autoimmunity occurs naturally in everyone to some degree. In an ideal environment, the cells that are capable of attacking the body's own tissue are kept under control by the body itself.

If the body's environment falls out of balance, it can cause dsyfunction and breakdown of its internal safety mechanisms; causing the body to mistake itself as an enemy.

Just as your genetic make-up can cause greater susceptibility to burning in the sun, your genes can make you more susceptible to autoimmunity. However, genetics do not guarantee that you will develop any type of autoimmune disease.

According to the researchers at the University of Utah, genetics aren't everything. In the case of identical twins, when one twin develops Multiple Sclerosis, there is only a 30% chance of the other (genetically identical) twin also being diagnosed with the disease. A separate study showed the incidence of lupus between identical twins even lower at 24%. With Rheumatoid Arthritis, there is a 1 in 4 chance.

Why does one twin get sick and not the other the majority of the time? It is the same as one redheaded, fair-skinned twin who went out in the sun and got a sunburn, while the other avoided sun exposure and did not get burned. The answer is the environment. The twins with MS, lupus, and arthritis had allowed an internal environment that was conducive to autoimmunity. 

According to immunologist, Dr. Jesse Stoff, there are four key things that damage the body’s internal environment (terrain). They are:

• poor eating habits and nutrition
• man-made toxins in our environment
• disease causing organisms and the toxins they produce
• trauma on the immune system from things like x-ray radiation and cross country flights, and stress.

The immune system, like most of the body, requires balance to function properly. T-helper 1 (Th1) cells and T-helper 2 cells (Th2) help regulate the body’s response to foreign invaders.

Th1 uses white blood cells to go after viruses and cancer cells. Th2 immune cells use antibodies to go after bacteria. 

Normally, the body strikes a balance by switching back and forth between Th1 and Th2. In a person with an autoimmune disorder, one dominates and suppresses the other.

Trans fats, mercury and other heavy metals, sugar and processed foods, alcohol, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and stress are part of a modern lifestyle that can disrupt the Th1/Th2 balance.

Autoimmune Disease and Women

Th1 dominance in women is associated with autoimmunity and recurrent miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy. Additionally, children in the autism spectrum tend to be Th1 dominant.

Besides autoimmunity, Th2 dominance is characterized by a tendency toward allergies, frequent colds and viral infections, and cancer.

Both Th1 and Th2 cells make a protein substance known as cytokines. Cytokines cause inflammation. 

Cytokines are a necessary part of our immunity. Inflammation should be a temporary response to injury or infection. It is the over-production (too many) of certain small cytokine molecules that leads to the invasion and inflammation of an organ or body system.

Changes in the Brain

In the brain, cytokines can cause behavioral changes. They can either prompt or worsen depression, anxiety, or anorexia. They may cause a person to become withdrawn.

Cytokines create fatigue and interfere with sleep patterns. They are one thing responsible for what has been termed “brain fog.”

Autoimmune conditions are named or categorized according to where in the body cytokines are being overproduced and how the disease manifests itself. 

For example, an overproduction of these cytokines in the joints causing pain and swelling is called Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). It may go by different names and occur in different places in the body, but ultimately, autoimmunity is one disease with many different faces.
Because immune system cytokines are the culprit, the most  common conventional treatment for autoimmune disease is immunosuppressive drugs, like steroids. Steroids are used because they are able to suppress the over-productive cytokines.

Unfortunately, the steroids don't just stop the over-active part of the immune system, they also suppress the already under-active segment of the immune system.

This practice is not unlike the use of chemotherapy, which poisons the good and the bad cells of cancer patients. Steroids can also affect your mood and cause depression, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and diabetes. 

Is Your Diet to Blame?

Your diet plays a major role in activating or suppressing cytokines. I can't stress this enough. Just about anything you put into your mouth will have a negative or positive consequence on your autoimmune condition.

It is as if everything that you swallow is sending a signal to your immune system to either cause more cytokines or less.


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