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EFT - How Can It Help?
By Steven Harold

Emotional Freedom Techniques can help many issues and problems. In fact there seems to be no limit to what EFT can assist with. You might accept that it can help psychological conditions but how can it help physical conditions? Well let me explain further.

Certainly if you consider any physical condition, no matter what it might be, there will always be a psychological element to it. For example take the painful and debilitating ailment known as arthritis. Most people would agree that it is both painful and restrictive.

Now because there is an element of expectancy about this condition, the expectancy being pain, a person will naturally tense up because they expect to get a reminder of that pain. In other words they have already created a condition in their body of readiness for pain. If they tense the muscles and tendons of the body through this expectancy of pain then any normal pain or discomfort created by the arthritic condition of joints in the body is likely to seem greater than if the same surrounding muscles and tendons were relaxed.

Where EFT can help is in reducing the expectancy of pain and helping the person to relax psychologically which naturally leads to a physical relaxation too. From this, any pain is likely to be more localised and smaller. However that is just one possible explanation of how EFT might help the condition of arthritis.

Many therapists believe that for every physical condition there most often is a psychological cause. How often have we heard of someone having a psychological shock to their system such as going through a painful divorce, bereavement, loss of a job and or other stressful life event and then later on, maybe 6 months or a year later, they seem to develop a physical illness. This might eczema, tinnitus, IBS ME, FM or many other issues.

An enlightened therapist would view the psychological shock of some upsetting and stressful life event as being the cause of the physical issue. They would then use EFT to work on the psychological cause and in doing so the client would then be dealing with the cause and not the physical symptoms. This in turn may lead to a reduction or even total resolution of the physical symptoms.

EFT seems to be particularly effective because it is so easy to learn. It is also a very brief process and the positive effectives may be noticed almost immediately.

The great news about EFT is that because if its inbuilt flexibility it can be used for virtually any issue or problem.

Steven Harold
EFT Therapist

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