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Finally, easy-to-understand information for Autoimmune Disease Sufferers: Life altering secrets that are so empowering, they will put you back in control of your life!

I am Multiple Sclerosis  
by Ryan Fyfe

Hi, my name is Multiple Sclerosis. You know me as a chronic disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. I don't really like that name or title so lets stick with MS for short.

I can cause a variety of symptoms, which include: - Changes in sensation - Visual problems - Weakness - Depression - Difficulties with coordination - Difficulties with speech

Several people that I affect will lead full and often times even use the "R word" (Rewarding) lives. That isn't the case for everyone though as often times I can cause people the use of the "D word", being disability and impaired mobility in cases where my work didn't go quite as well as planned.

I, Multiple Sclerosis affect neurons, which are the cells of the brain and spinal cords that carry information. I'm quite crafy to choose these locations as they are some of the most important parts of your body, controlling the body, carrying information, and creating thought and perception. Around your neurons you have a layer of fat that helps your neurons carry electrical signals. Sounds weird, but it's true. My affect on Neurons is the gradual break down of this fat, throughout the brain and spinal cord, which will cause several different symptoms depending on which signals I am able to disrupt.

You might think that I work alone, but that is incorrect. I result from attacks by your immune system on its self. It's like a civil war inside of your bodies immune system. Because I happen as a result of this war, I am called an autoimmune disease. Once again I prefer MS for short.

About the Author

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Multiple Sclerosis Help -, which is the best site on the internet for all Multiple Sclerosis related information.

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Finally, easy-to-understand information for Autoimmune Disease Sufferers: Life altering secrets that are so empowering, they will put you back in control of your life!

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