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Outlook on Life
by Heidi Whitaker

If have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, or Chrohn’s, you should be GRATEFUL! WHY???

A study published in the Spring 2000 issue of the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology shows how gratitude improves health.

For a period of 3 weeks, volunteers logged either 5 hassles or complaints or 5 things of which they were grateful. The group that kept gratitude lists had greater feelings of well-being as well as fewer health complaints and more energy than those who complained.

Some researchers believe if we practice positive coping styles like keeping a gratitude list, we will have a better shot at happiness, whatever our lot in life is.

The Thanksgiving tradition of listing the things of which we are grateful is much better for our health than many traditional Thanksgiving foods, which promote inflammation and pain.

Heidi Whitaker is an author and popular speaker on the topic of nutritional support of autoimmune disease. An advocate for alternative health solutions, she co-founded, a resource center for those autoimmune sufferers looking for real answers outside of what conventional medicine can provide.

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